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Application of Vitamins
Vitamins are a class of organic compounds necessary for the maintenance of health. These substances in the body are neither the raw material of body tissue nor the source of energy, but a class of regulatory substances, which play an important role in the metabolism of substances. These substances cannot be synthesized in the body or not enough of them are synthesized, so they are needed in small quantities but must always be supplied by food.


Vitamins, It is a kind of organic material necessary to maintain human life activities, It is also an important active substance to maintain human health,Vitamins are few and far between in the body. Although the chemical structures and properties of various vitamins are different, they have the following things in common:

All vitamins exist in food in the form of provitamin.
Vitamin is not a component of the body’s tissues and cells, it will not produce energy, its role is mainly involved in the regulation of the body’s metabolism.
3.most of the vitamins, The organism cannot synthesize or does not synthesize the quantity insufficient, can not meet the needs of the body, must often be obtained through food.

4.the human body’s need for vitamins is very small, the daily need is often calculated in milligrams or micrograms, But any deficiency can lead to vitamin deficiency, damage to human health.


Vitamins are different from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, It’s a very small percentage of natural foods, But it is necessary for the human body. Some vitamins, such as b6.k, can be synthesized by bacteria in the intestines of animals, and the amount can meet the needs of animals. Animal cells convert tryptophan into niacin

(a B vitamin), But the products don’t have to be


Vitamin C can be synthesized in all animals except primates and guinea pigs. Plants and most microbes can make their own vitamins without having to be supplied from outside the body. Many vitamins are part of a cogroup or coenzyme.


small amounts of organic compounds essential for human and animal nutrition and growth, which play an important role in the metabolism, growth, development, and health of the body. If a vitamin is chronically deficient will cause physiological dysfunction and some diseases.


There are dozens of kinds of vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C.

Vitamins are essential organic compounds in human metabolism. The human body is like a very complex chemical plant, constantly carrying out various biochemical reactions. The reaction is closely related to the catalysis of the enzyme. For an enzyme to be active, a coenzyme must be present. Many vitamins are known to be coenzymes of enzymes or molecules of coenzymes.


Therefore, vitamins are important substances to maintain and regulate the normal metabolism of the body. It can be argued that the best vitamins are found in human tissues in the form of “bioactive substances”.

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Place: Shanghai, China
Time: 15 – 17 March, 2023
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